Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday-Memorial Day - La Luz

Not much to tell for today, pretty much same-o same-o. We didn't walk. The wind blew (duh!)

We did get pizza while in town and took to Mom & Dad's for lunch. Went back later to Mom & Dad's for happy hour. I finished reading my book. Watched the tube then off to bed.

I'll give you a preview for Tuesday & Wednesday - I will be working all day to catch up for the holiday. Pat and Dad will be playing golf in the afternoon. Once Pat returns we will say our good byes to Mom & Dad. We'll return home to get the RV ready for travel as we are heading to Sante Fe, NM area first thing Wednesday morning. We will travel most of the day on Wednesday. Not sure if I'll get a chance to blog again until Wednesday evening. Hope to have some pictures for you next time so stay tuned.......

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