Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday-La Luz

Today is not much different from yesterday. Got up and drove to Mom & Dad's for our morning walk. Today I walked fast so made 4 loops and finished with Mom & Dad on thier final loop of the walk.

Came back to the RV and got my computers, etc and went to the RV office to work. After work came back to the RV to have a bite of lunch. I made a great salad and included the small portion of chicken I had left over from last nights dinner.

After lunch we got in the car to take a drive around La Luz and Alamogordo. Pat showed me the golf course that he and Dad played. The course is pretty and green with the mountains as a backdrop. We drove around the surrounding subdivisions, very nice homes.

Came back to the RV and settled in for the evening. Thought we'd give Mom & Dad and break.

Pat and I have decided that we are both going to cook chili at this week ends cook off in Anthony, New Mexico. We asked Dad if he would share his recipe and he said he doesn't give it out. Watch out Dad, this just might be your doing in. Now more than ever Pat and I want to beat you and mom. This is going to be fun.

Stay tuned.

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