Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Woke up to temps in the low 40's and wind. I did a little work and then we decided to go and visit our friends, Barbara & Jimmy Taylor in Terlingua.

I actually got to ride in the car today vs going by motorcycle. Got to the Taylors and Barbara was the only one there as Jimmy had a problem at one of his jobs and couldn't get away so we took Barbara and went to lunch at a restaurant in Terlingua(great burgers).

After lunch we traveled to LaJitas to visit Jimmy and look at the home he is in the process of remodeling. Then Barbara took us on a tour of homes of the owners of LaJitas. We got to go in and view the house that is being remodeled for the sole heir of the Tandy family. They took a house with 3 bedrooms and made into a 1 bedroom - cost over 1 Mill. Ms. Tandy is also having a house in the same area remodeled for her daughter. Jimmy is not remodeling these houses but his friend Butch is.

We said good-bye to Barbara and Jimmy and drove back home thru Big Bend Park. (see pics).

Blaze seemed to like the scenery. Got home late afternoon and I did some work while Pat watched a little TV and took a nap.

Adios until tomorrow.

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