Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday-La Luz

Had to get up early today because we are walking at 7:00 in lieu of 7:30 because it is getting pretty warm. Mom, Dad, Blaze & I opted to walk at the elementary school track across the street from thier house. Well, I don't think I will walk that track again. Apparently the school has not kept the track up and they had watered an area we had to walk through where Blaze picked up a large amount of mud on all 4 paws and then there were the stickers that Blaze got in his feet. No, this is not the walking track for me and Blaze. I hads to carry Blaze back to Mom & Dad's house and hose him down before we could get in the car back to the RV.

Today we will eat dinner at Mom & Dad's. I made the brocolli salad, it has brocolli, red pepper, green onions, cheddar cheese, pepper jack cheese,green olives and bacon with a mayo, red vinegar and sugar dressing. (Yum) I'm also making roasted sweet potatoes. Pat is making mac and cheese and stuffing. Dad is funishing the pork loins (he grilled them to perfection).

While Dad was getting the grill ready we had our before dinner cocktails on the patio. The wind picked up and then we left Dad to grill alone while we were in the house awaiting our great meal. It was DELISH.

After dinner we headed home, I got in bed at 8:00 to watch TV. (Pat was watching racing)

We know we are leaving here on Wednesday as feel I will have a heavy work day on Tuesday after the holiday. We haven't yet decided where we are going but I'm sure by Wednesday we'll have a plan.

Stay tuned, tomorrow is laundry day, I know you won't want to miss that. LOL

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