Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday-La Luz

Woke up, had a couple of cups of coffee and then off to Mom & Dad's to take our daily walk. Dad opted not to go as he and Pat are going to play golf today.

After the walk I came home and started working. Wifi was still not an option today so I did what I could using other options and my MIFI. I talked to the RV office and tomorrow I will use thier office to work in like I did on Monday.

While Pat was off playing golf and while working I took care of some laundry. Dad and Pat returned around 2:00 and Pat fixed them lunch. Since they had lunch so late in the day we opted to have happy hour at Mom & Dad's and then return to fix dinner. We had planned to have grilled chicken but as the wind was blowing 30 MPH opted for baked chicken, baked beans and a salad.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get a hair appointment with my Mom's hairdresser. If not,then the next place we visit I'll just pick a salon and hope for the best.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. Stay tuned.

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