Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday-Nathony, NM - Cook Off

Today is the day! It's a beautiful day for a cook off. Our hosts offered Bloody Mary's with pickled beans to start the day prior to serving french toast, etc. We are such early risers that we had already had our breakfast but I didn't turn down a bloody mary.

Pat rode the BMW to Anthony, TX to the Camping World store to pick up some items he wanted for the Motor Home.

Other cooks arrived to set up thier cooking sites. The spectators and invited chili judges arrived, everything was going in full swing.

We started cooking our chili at about 1:45 and visited with other cooks and spectators. Turn in time was 4:00. The judging took place and then it was time for announcements. As we were the cooks that had traveled the farthest we were awarded a little stuffed road runner.

The first number called out was for 11th place (no points for Terlingua) It was Pat's number. 10th place went to a lady from Rankin. Then my number was called for 9th place chili. I was blown away as this is my 2nd time to ever cook chili not to mention that I beat Pat. Yeah! The announcements continued until they came to 3rd place and Mom's number was called. And then....1st place number was called and you guessed it...It was Dad's number. The Roger's family rocked the cook off.

At 6:30 we had dinner, our hosts served Bar-b-que sandwiches with everyone else bringing pot luck. Then it was time for visiting around the campfire.

What a great day.

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