Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, Carlsbad, NM

Woke up and went right to work. The WIFI was working good and then an hour and half later it was gone. I told Pat that we should go ahead do something and maybe later the WIFI would be working again.

We decided to go to Carlsbad Caverns. Since I was with my "old man" we got in free (How good is that) I'm thinking there are some things good that come with aging and having an old man's card for the Federal and State parks. We took the self tour with hand held listening devices that told you points of interest as you walked along. Our walk was over a mile. I think tomorrow we will take the guilded tour in another area of the cavern. I'm not sure we want to take the walk into the cavern in lieu of taking the elevator. Not sure Pat's feet will hold up to that and the guided tour.

On our return to town we decided to eat at the Whiner Diner (no whinning allowed). Pat had one of the old folks meals and I had half a sandwich and salad. This restaurant was recommended by the RV Park. I would give it a C for food and a B+ for the name and decor. They had a sign that fit me perfectly "My favorite recipe is eating out"

We returned to the RV Park and took a picture of the miniture ponies. They are so cute. The also have a nice rose garden here, an area that has turtles and the cutest dog run areas on each end of the park.

Came back to the RV and the WIFI was cooking. I worked till about 4:30 and now feel like I am somewhat caught up. It's a good feeling.

We'll stay in tonight and watch a little of the tube then nighty-night. Till tomorrow, ciao.

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