Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thursday - Carlsbad

Sorry for the delay in posting blog but blogger has been down.

Blaze woke us up early this morning so Pat took him out and then came back and jumped into bed with his clothes on because he was cold. We both tried going back to sleep, Pat gave in first and got up (Blaze took his place) and I stayed a little longer then got up and got to work.

After working for almost 2 hours got ready to go back to the Caverns for our guided tour of the Kings Palace. Our tour was given by a cute young Ranger (girl) and we had a large group around 35-40 in our tour. The park only has 2 working elevators (the others are being renovated). Our elevator operator stated that this summer it could be an hour wait to go up or down into and out of the cave. We picked a good time to visit the caverns. The tour was fantastic. I’ve been to the caverns one other time but didn’t do the tour, it was well worth the $8.00 ($4.00 for Pat with the old man card). See Pat as the Ranger.

After the tour we had a bite of lunch there and because we had been so awed by the tour we decided to walk down into the cave from the opening in lieu of taking the elevator. Before you go on the walk they advise you of how strenuous it can be but of course we’re bulletproof, the Ranger told us it was like walking down an 80 story building.(piece of cake) WOW! Is all I can say. As cold as it was in the cave (56 degrees) I ended up taking off my light jacket and we were both perspiring when we hit the bottom and this was going down not up. It’s unbelievable how far down you go into that cave. They told us it would take about an hour to an hour and a half to walk down. We made it in 30 minutes. No wonder we were sweating.

We also decided to drive the scenic drive after we left the caverns. You know the rocky, windy road. With Pat at the wheel it was like going on the Baja. When the signs said 5 mph we were going 15 to 20 when it said 15 mph we were going 30 or faster. It was actually pretty fun. On the trip we ran into several mule deer, one was in the road as we made a corner but quickly ran into the brush. We got pictures of the others.

Before we got back on the highway returning to the RV we stopped and got an ice cream, if you remember an earlier blog I said I wouldn’t eat ice cream for a long time.(I lied) It was a great ending to a good time.Got back to the RV and man I was busy – work must go on. While I worked Pat went grocery shopping then up to the RV office to check out a DVD. We received a coupon for a free DVD when we checked in on Tuesday (They only charge a $1.00). So tonite we’ll watch a DVD and then off to bed. Tomorrow we’re heading to Alamagorda/La Luz to finally get to my parents house.
Today was a very good day.

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