Monday, May 9, 2011


We got up early and had breakfast, Got the RV ready for travel and we're off to Balmorhea. The wind came up about 14 miles from our destination. We went thru the huge town of Balmorhea (not) and then 4 miles out of town we're at the State Park.

When we got here they had a sign posted on the check-in door that the pool is closed from May 9th thru the 17th for cleaning. The reason we came here was to visit the pool as it is supposed to be the largest spring fed pool in Texas if not the US.

Oh well, we only made a reservation for 1 Day, then we're out of here, as they wouldn't even let us in the pool area even though no cleaning is being done at this time. There are only 3 people camping here, anther RV and 2 bikers. Pat did talk to the2 bikers, they drove from Houston this morning, they are on their way to California (they're young)

The wind is blowing and it's hot. I sure wish we could get in the pool. We took some pics of the area. If you ever get a chance to come this way when the pool is open I'm sure it would be wonderful. See some pics of the pool and the canals around the park. The water is so clear and cool. The picture of the pool is shot from a hole in the outer wall at the deep end of the pool.

Pat made a trip into town and rode around the area while I worked. All the fields are black from the burn they recently had here.

We're off to Carlsbad in the morn. Till then. Adios

1 comment:

  1. All I can say, despite the disappointments of the pool being closed and the winds..... WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE. I am so happy for you and Pat.
