Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday-Returning to La Luz

Woke up to another beautiful morning. Gradually everyone got up to sit in the sun and converse. I stayed in and read and then as we were about to leave went to thank our hosts, Tom and Michele for the wonderful hospitality and cook off. I forgot to mention that Michelle is an insurance attorney and her Mom, Donna worked in the insurance business as well.

On the way back to La Luz we went into Anthony, TX to Camping World for Pat to return and purchase items. We stopped at Pepper's (a local restaurant in La Luz)for lunch. Pat had beef stroganoff and I had a dish I can't say or spell but was actully like pork tacos with beans and rice. It was spicy and as the serving was large brought 1 1/2 tacos back to the RV.

After lunch got back to La Luz and parked on the opposite side of the RV office thinking we would get better wifi reception. That didn't happen so I will be working in thier office again this week.

We did a little housekeeping once we got set up at the RV site. With all the tracking in of dirt and dust from last week and the cook off it took several floor moppings before we finally got the floor clean.

After our showers we just vegged out. I read and Pat watched, what else, racing. He met a fellow race enthusiest at the cook off (see pic of his RV and trailer that houses his vet). He also used to race.

I've also included some pics of our hosts house from the cook off that wasn't included yesterday.

We watched TV while enjoying some popcorn then retired at 10:00. Till tomorrow....

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