Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday - La Luz

It's laundry day! Went to Mom & Dad's and we did a mile walk. For some reason our legs were hurting. I think it was the stressful walk we had the day before at the school,with the gravel,mud and all.

Pat was making breakfast for us walkers so we all returned to the RV for blueberrry muffins, bacon,sausage and strawberries w/cool whip.

After breakfast I gathered up my laundry and headed to Mom & Dad's. I brought a book with me to read. Mom & I watched a little TV and Dad did some watering and repotting of plants. Once Mom & Dad starting watching golf I started reading my book.

Pat joined us a little later for left overs from yesterday's meal. Mom fixed a shrimp cocktail appetizer to add to the leftovers.

The wind was howling when Pat came for dinner, you couldn't even see across the street with all the dust and dirt. I believe the gusts were up to 40 mph.

Came home and read my book until Pat came to bed at 9:00. It was a slow day for us retirees. Till tomorrow....

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