Sunday, May 8, 2011


Friday - Sorry Guys, I took the day off from blogging, but you really didn't miss much. Friday I worked, took a walk and read. The day started out nice.(see sunrise)

Later in the afternoon a storm came up in the West (see pics). The west was black and the east was suny. We got a teensy bit of rain, just enough to make the RV, car and bike look yukey. The storm then went north and west around us.

Stayed in Friday nite for dinner as thought we would hit the Famous Burro restaurant on Saturday.

Saturday - Got up and we all took a walk to show Pat what I had found by the tent camping area which was a pond with a deck and an area with 2 covered swings and an Outhouse. Boy my days are exciting.

Came back to sit under the RV awning and read. Later we watched some TV shows that pat had taped.

I actually dressed to have dinner at the Famous Burro, had on jewelry, hair and makeup looked good and then dissapointment. The Burro was closed. All dressed up and no where to go. So we went to the pizza place and ordered a pizza to take back to the RV. The owner of the pizza place said that the Burro closed on Wednesday at 7:30 and hadn't opened since. You can always count on the pizza place they are always open 7 days a week. I guess we could have gone to the Gage but we didn't feel like dropping a $100 for drinks and dinner.

After dinner Pat watched a race and I read. Mother's day tomorrow. Till then.

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