Friday, May 6, 2011


I started work before 7:00 AM this morning. It was a beautiful day until around 10:30 when the wind hit with a vengence and didn't let up until late in the evening.

We needed to take a break from the wind at the RV so we took Blaze back to the park and let him run and run (he loves it there). We met a lady and her dog Duchess at the park. She was from Wyoming, down here visiting and waiting for the snow to stop back home.

Came back to the RV and watched all the RV's and bikers pulling into the Motel and RV Park for the night. We had been here most of the time by ourselves but now the place was almost full, we even had a tent camper.

Pat met the new neighbors and started talking RV's and such, I think he was glad to have some male companionship close by; Pat likes to talk.

Pat grilled chicken on the grill and I cooked up a medley of fresh vegetables, even Pat like it. He also like my roasted sweet potatos I made the night before.

Watched TV then off to bed. Maybe I'll have some more pics tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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