Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday - Marathon

This morning the temp was 36 but no wind. The cold here is so different than the cold in Austin since the humidity is so low.

I worked all morning. We ate lunch and then decided to go to town. Most everything closes at 1:00 but there was a new store that was open so went in to view see what they had for sale. It's an interesting store in that they probably have something for any type of personality. We then went to the local grocery store to get some bread. The prices for food here are HIGH.

We then decided to visit the Gage Gardens (it's a piece of paradise in the desert)again and do some putting on the putting green in the gardens. I haven't held a golf club in over 18 years. I thought I did pretty good.

Came back to the RV (see pics of our campsite) and later Pat called Tom & Rosalinda, past chili cooks, and a date was set for 4:30 happy hour on thier front porch. They invited another couple that had cooked chili in the past, he won the Terlingua cook off several years ago, thinking Pat might know them but he didn't. We had a nice time visiting then came home for dinner around 7:00.
The last pic shows our outdoor rug nailed down. If you didn't nail it down it would be in the next county or state with the way the wind has been blowing.

Watched TV and off to bed. Till tomorrow

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