Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday-La Luz

This morning I went to Mom & Dad's for Mom and I to do our mile walk. Dad and Pat were going to play golf so Dad didn't walk with us. I returned home to work and as the RV office was closed thought I would see if I could get on thier wifi. The wifi worked like a charm and I got a lot of work done.

As Mom and I were meeting our men for lunch at Peppers I got the call from Pat that he and Dad were through with thier game of golf so I went to pick up Mom. Mom told me that on Tuesday's Peppers gives you chocolate chip cookies after your meal. As we perused the menu I found Green Chili Chicken Alfredo Lasagna listed, the menu stated that it was a favorite. Mom, Dad and I chose the green chili dish and Pat had one of the specials, marinated flank steak.All I can say is Peppers Green Chili Chicken Alfredo Lasagna was OMG Delish. Mom, Dad and I oohed and aahed through the whole meal. We couldn't eat the whole dish served so we all brought a portion home. I can't wait to eat the left overs.

After lunch Pat and I went to Walmart to buy a few items needed and returned home to watch TV. I was so full from lunch I felt like a beached whale, so of course I didn't eat any dinner.

The wind howled today topping at gusts of over 40 MPH. Pat said he and Dad had to swing the golf club between gusts when playing golf.

Tomorrow we're going to Ruidoso by bike. Till then....

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