Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday - On the road to La Luz

What can I say about Friday? Very interesting. Started out as usual as we got up and while I worked Pat washed the RV and then we left Carlsbad about 9:00 heading to La Luz to see my parents. It's 159 miles to LaLuz. We're off and everything is going good and then.... A State Patrolman stops the Semi in front of us and of course we have to stop and then....he tells us that they are doing a controlled burn ahead of us and the road is closed. It's possible that the road will re-open in 3 hours if all goes well. He actually wants us to turn around and go back several miles to the Fruit stand or he offers alternate routes which could take hours to get back around to Alamagorda/La Luz.

Pat talks the Patrolman into letting us stay where we currently are and several others have now joined in the wait. I decided to work and of course Pat visited with the others that were waiting. I worked for about an hour and then joined the others.

Okay, now it has been over the 3 hours first predicted and the Patrolman now tells us that everyone waiting must go the Fruit Stand about 5 miles back. As the road is only 2 lanes and not easy to turn around we unhitch the car from the RV, Pat turns the RV around and I drive the car following him to the Fruit stand.

Now this Fruit stand is also a petting zoo. They have a camel, llamas, goats, emu, a miniture horse that gave birth 2 weeks ago (the baby is so cute - he and Blaze touched noses) It was adorable. The little baby horse is very outgoing coming up to the fence to be petted. They also had a baby camel that was 2 weeks old. It's coloring is white and the lady at the Fruit stand stated that if the color doesn't change and he stays white he will be valued at $25,000.(I've got pics of all but currently my MIFI is so slow that I'll have to include the pics in a later blog) They had a pond with ducks and trout that came up to the surface to be fed. You could rent a fishing pole and fish if you wanted. It was really a neat place.

Okay, we're still waiting so we got our lawn chairs out and sat in the parking lot waiting. We did'nt want to take an alternate route as we had waited this long and we were low on diesel. While sitting in our lawn chairs decided to call my parents to let them know we were on our way to thier house, Dad stated that was great but they weren't home they are in El Paso at a cook off. No problem, we'll just go to thier house and see them on Sunday when they return.

Finally at 3:30 they had a truck that would take us and a few others that were still there through the mountains to continue on to Alamagorda/La Luz.

The firemen were along the road and one side of the road was blackened from the controlled burn.

We finally reached Cloud Croft and purchased some diesel, $4.09 a gallon, we thought this was good but felt that Alamagorda diesel would be cheaper. (wrong). Made it to Mom & Dad's and hooked up to water and electricity but went into the house to watch TV and do laundry.

What a day, we were worn out. Can't wait for more adventure. Stay tuned.

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