Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday-Memorial Day - La Luz

Not much to tell for today, pretty much same-o same-o. We didn't walk. The wind blew (duh!)

We did get pizza while in town and took to Mom & Dad's for lunch. Went back later to Mom & Dad's for happy hour. I finished reading my book. Watched the tube then off to bed.

I'll give you a preview for Tuesday & Wednesday - I will be working all day to catch up for the holiday. Pat and Dad will be playing golf in the afternoon. Once Pat returns we will say our good byes to Mom & Dad. We'll return home to get the RV ready for travel as we are heading to Sante Fe, NM area first thing Wednesday morning. We will travel most of the day on Wednesday. Not sure if I'll get a chance to blog again until Wednesday evening. Hope to have some pictures for you next time so stay tuned.......

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday - La Luz

It's laundry day! Went to Mom & Dad's and we did a mile walk. For some reason our legs were hurting. I think it was the stressful walk we had the day before at the school,with the gravel,mud and all.

Pat was making breakfast for us walkers so we all returned to the RV for blueberrry muffins, bacon,sausage and strawberries w/cool whip.

After breakfast I gathered up my laundry and headed to Mom & Dad's. I brought a book with me to read. Mom & I watched a little TV and Dad did some watering and repotting of plants. Once Mom & Dad starting watching golf I started reading my book.

Pat joined us a little later for left overs from yesterday's meal. Mom fixed a shrimp cocktail appetizer to add to the leftovers.

The wind was howling when Pat came for dinner, you couldn't even see across the street with all the dust and dirt. I believe the gusts were up to 40 mph.

Came home and read my book until Pat came to bed at 9:00. It was a slow day for us retirees. Till tomorrow....

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday-La Luz

Had to get up early today because we are walking at 7:00 in lieu of 7:30 because it is getting pretty warm. Mom, Dad, Blaze & I opted to walk at the elementary school track across the street from thier house. Well, I don't think I will walk that track again. Apparently the school has not kept the track up and they had watered an area we had to walk through where Blaze picked up a large amount of mud on all 4 paws and then there were the stickers that Blaze got in his feet. No, this is not the walking track for me and Blaze. I hads to carry Blaze back to Mom & Dad's house and hose him down before we could get in the car back to the RV.

Today we will eat dinner at Mom & Dad's. I made the brocolli salad, it has brocolli, red pepper, green onions, cheddar cheese, pepper jack cheese,green olives and bacon with a mayo, red vinegar and sugar dressing. (Yum) I'm also making roasted sweet potatoes. Pat is making mac and cheese and stuffing. Dad is funishing the pork loins (he grilled them to perfection).

While Dad was getting the grill ready we had our before dinner cocktails on the patio. The wind picked up and then we left Dad to grill alone while we were in the house awaiting our great meal. It was DELISH.

After dinner we headed home, I got in bed at 8:00 to watch TV. (Pat was watching racing)

We know we are leaving here on Wednesday as feel I will have a heavy work day on Tuesday after the holiday. We haven't yet decided where we are going but I'm sure by Wednesday we'll have a plan.

Stay tuned, tomorrow is laundry day, I know you won't want to miss that. LOL

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday - La Luz

Woke up early today,(see pics of the sunrise) blogged and visited facebook. I haven't been on facebook since I left Austin the 1st of April. At 7:00 left to go walking with Mom. I've lost about 3-4 lbs. When we leave here I will have to keep doing my daily walk.

Came home and worked. Pat & Dad went to play golf. Pat made 3 birdies on the 1st 9 holes, he only used a driver or a putter, if it was less than 75 yards he used the putter. I think he's ready for the Pro tour.

Pat returned and we went to Walmart, OMG, it was a mad house, with it being Friday and Memorial Day weekend. Made our purchases and got out of there. Had to get the fixin's for the brocolli salad I'm making for Saturday dinner at Mom & Dad's.

The day's go by so fast, before we knew it it was time to visit Mom & Dad for happy hour.

Returned home and watched TV. Later...................

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday-La Luz

I woke up at 6:50 and had to meet Mom & Dad to walk at 7:15. Drank a quick cup of coffee, dressed and took off to walk 2 miles. I took Blaze walking with me today and he was a real trouper, I carried him just a little ways on the last lap.

Got home and went to work. Today I worked longer than I should have, but with a holiday coming up I had to get things done.

I received some very sad news today. A girl I work with at Central lost her Dad today. He was a young 51 years of age. My heartfelt sympathies go out to her and her family.

I've included a picture of our RV site in La Luz. The RV park is just 1 mile from my Mom & Dad's.

I forgot to post this picture of Blaze's girlfriend at the chili cook off so here it is. You know he likes the tall, slim girls.

Above is a picture of Pat and Blaze at the cook off dressed to show off Blaze in his riding garb.

As you can see not much went on for Thursday. We did go to Mom & Dad's for the normal happy hour. That's it for today.....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday-Trip to Ruidoso

What a great day. Got up and got ready to go riding on the BMW to Ruidoso. The wind is not howling today so its a great day for a ride.

Our first stop was the Inn of the Mountain Gods (see pics).

We then rode into Ruidoso and went to the race track. There had been a fire behind the race track and the burnt smell was awful.

We then went into town and parked the bike to visit several shops along main street. As this is not yet the season (season starts when the races start-Memorial Day weekend)we were pretty much the only ones walking along the street. Pat said that when he was in Ruidoso last July the sidewalk was so full that people were walking in the street. The shop owners were very friendly and chatty, so enjoyed visiting with all.

After shopping we ate at the Casa Blanca restaurant. I had the green chili chicken enchiladas and Pat had the special-3 enchiladas (1 cheese, 1 chicken, 1 beef with beans and rice). We both rolled out of the restaurant.

We then traveled back to the RV taking the long route going through Cloud Croft. We took a break before riding down the mountain at the grocerystore/bakery. The aroma of the bakery was intoxicating. I wanted to purchase some green chili cheese bread but Pat said he would have to eat it as I'm supposed to be watching my weight and don't each much bread anyway. While at the store a nice lady starting talking to us. I found out that her daughter owns the store and she lived many years in Burnet, TX and still has a daughter in Burnet that is a school teacher. I told her I once lived in Marble Falls and she has 2 childen that still live in Marble Falls. People are very friendly here.

Back home to the RV where I worked the rest of the afternoon. At 5:00 went to Mom & Dad's for happy hour, then home. Went to bed early as tired from the ride. Later....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday-La Luz

This morning I went to Mom & Dad's for Mom and I to do our mile walk. Dad and Pat were going to play golf so Dad didn't walk with us. I returned home to work and as the RV office was closed thought I would see if I could get on thier wifi. The wifi worked like a charm and I got a lot of work done.

As Mom and I were meeting our men for lunch at Peppers I got the call from Pat that he and Dad were through with thier game of golf so I went to pick up Mom. Mom told me that on Tuesday's Peppers gives you chocolate chip cookies after your meal. As we perused the menu I found Green Chili Chicken Alfredo Lasagna listed, the menu stated that it was a favorite. Mom, Dad and I chose the green chili dish and Pat had one of the specials, marinated flank steak.All I can say is Peppers Green Chili Chicken Alfredo Lasagna was OMG Delish. Mom, Dad and I oohed and aahed through the whole meal. We couldn't eat the whole dish served so we all brought a portion home. I can't wait to eat the left overs.

After lunch Pat and I went to Walmart to buy a few items needed and returned home to watch TV. I was so full from lunch I felt like a beached whale, so of course I didn't eat any dinner.

The wind howled today topping at gusts of over 40 MPH. Pat said he and Dad had to swing the golf club between gusts when playing golf.

Tomorrow we're going to Ruidoso by bike. Till then....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday-La Luz

Awoke this morning and went to work early in my jammies. Finally took a break about 9:00 and got dressed.

Still having trouble with the wifi but talked to the RV office and will work in thier office tomorrow.

I did a few loads of laundry and didn't leave the RV until around 3:00 when Pat and I went to Mom & Dad's so that I could do a larger load of laundry. Came home and it was everyone for themselves as to what they wanted to eat for dinner.

A little TV and off to bed. Nothing exciting today. Stay tuned as we are going to Ruidoso this week so more pics to come.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday-Returning to La Luz

Woke up to another beautiful morning. Gradually everyone got up to sit in the sun and converse. I stayed in and read and then as we were about to leave went to thank our hosts, Tom and Michele for the wonderful hospitality and cook off. I forgot to mention that Michelle is an insurance attorney and her Mom, Donna worked in the insurance business as well.

On the way back to La Luz we went into Anthony, TX to Camping World for Pat to return and purchase items. We stopped at Pepper's (a local restaurant in La Luz)for lunch. Pat had beef stroganoff and I had a dish I can't say or spell but was actully like pork tacos with beans and rice. It was spicy and as the serving was large brought 1 1/2 tacos back to the RV.

After lunch got back to La Luz and parked on the opposite side of the RV office thinking we would get better wifi reception. That didn't happen so I will be working in thier office again this week.

We did a little housekeeping once we got set up at the RV site. With all the tracking in of dirt and dust from last week and the cook off it took several floor moppings before we finally got the floor clean.

After our showers we just vegged out. I read and Pat watched, what else, racing. He met a fellow race enthusiest at the cook off (see pic of his RV and trailer that houses his vet). He also used to race.

I've also included some pics of our hosts house from the cook off that wasn't included yesterday.

We watched TV while enjoying some popcorn then retired at 10:00. Till tomorrow....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday-Nathony, NM - Cook Off

Today is the day! It's a beautiful day for a cook off. Our hosts offered Bloody Mary's with pickled beans to start the day prior to serving french toast, etc. We are such early risers that we had already had our breakfast but I didn't turn down a bloody mary.

Pat rode the BMW to Anthony, TX to the Camping World store to pick up some items he wanted for the Motor Home.

Other cooks arrived to set up thier cooking sites. The spectators and invited chili judges arrived, everything was going in full swing.

We started cooking our chili at about 1:45 and visited with other cooks and spectators. Turn in time was 4:00. The judging took place and then it was time for announcements. As we were the cooks that had traveled the farthest we were awarded a little stuffed road runner.

The first number called out was for 11th place (no points for Terlingua) It was Pat's number. 10th place went to a lady from Rankin. Then my number was called for 9th place chili. I was blown away as this is my 2nd time to ever cook chili not to mention that I beat Pat. Yeah! The announcements continued until they came to 3rd place and Mom's number was called. And then....1st place number was called and you guessed it...It was Dad's number. The Roger's family rocked the cook off.

At 6:30 we had dinner, our hosts served Bar-b-que sandwiches with everyone else bringing pot luck. Then it was time for visiting around the campfire.

What a great day.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday-La Luz/Anthony, New Mexico

No walking today as we are getting ready to go to the cook off and I need to work before I get my hair done. Man do I need a haircut,it's been 3 months since I've had anything done to my hair.

I had to drive up the mountain to High Rolls to get to Kristal's salon. Mom rode with me. I had Kristal cut about 2 inches off my hair and shape it up. It looks and feels great. Pat even told me it looked good and he never says anything about my hair cuts.

Returned to Mom & Dad's, parked the SUV and rode with Mom & Dad in thier RV until we met Pat up the rode. I then got in with Pat to follow Mom & Dad to the cook off. Mom won 1st Place at this cook off last year.

Arrived at Tom & Michele's home where the cook off is being held. We were the last RV's to arrive. There were already 6 RV's already there. More cooks will arrive tomorrow but they will just come for the day.

Tom & Michele's home is very nice and unique. They have chickens, a pecan orchard, a garden and 2 big dogs. Blaze had a blast, he thought he was a big dog too and pretty much acted like he owned the place.

Tom & Michele are great hosts. They served green chile stew and another chili cook had baked bread to serve with the stew. It was yummy and spicy. After dinner we all sat around the big outdoor fire and they served homemade apple turnovers with homemade vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg ice cream.

After the great dinner I turned in for the evening, with Pat following shortly after. Tomorrow's the big day. Stay tuned for the outcome.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday-La Luz

I'm shaking things up today. I took the morning walk with Mom & Dad, came back and ate breakfast and decided to spend the morning with Pat in lieu of working. We went to the golf course where Pat hit a bucket of balls, then off to Walgreens to pick up my meds (they have a liquor store in Walgreens). Then off to Walmart to purchase items we need for the chili cook off.

We returned to the RV for lunch and then I worked. This worked out better as the wind has been brutal here, and picks up in the afternoon. They have high wind warnings like we have tornado warnings. I've included a picture which shows White Sands blowing across the horizon.

Off to Mom & Dad's for happy hour and dinner where we discussed the route we would take to the cook off. Since I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, Mom will ride with me to the salon then we'll return and I'll ride with Mom & Dad to the cook off and meet up with Pat as he will leave before us to get diesel.

Can't wait for the week end and the cook off. Bring it on Dad.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday-La Luz

Today is not much different from yesterday. Got up and drove to Mom & Dad's for our morning walk. Today I walked fast so made 4 loops and finished with Mom & Dad on thier final loop of the walk.

Came back to the RV and got my computers, etc and went to the RV office to work. After work came back to the RV to have a bite of lunch. I made a great salad and included the small portion of chicken I had left over from last nights dinner.

After lunch we got in the car to take a drive around La Luz and Alamogordo. Pat showed me the golf course that he and Dad played. The course is pretty and green with the mountains as a backdrop. We drove around the surrounding subdivisions, very nice homes.

Came back to the RV and settled in for the evening. Thought we'd give Mom & Dad and break.

Pat and I have decided that we are both going to cook chili at this week ends cook off in Anthony, New Mexico. We asked Dad if he would share his recipe and he said he doesn't give it out. Watch out Dad, this just might be your doing in. Now more than ever Pat and I want to beat you and mom. This is going to be fun.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday-La Luz

Woke up, had a couple of cups of coffee and then off to Mom & Dad's to take our daily walk. Dad opted not to go as he and Pat are going to play golf today.

After the walk I came home and started working. Wifi was still not an option today so I did what I could using other options and my MIFI. I talked to the RV office and tomorrow I will use thier office to work in like I did on Monday.

While Pat was off playing golf and while working I took care of some laundry. Dad and Pat returned around 2:00 and Pat fixed them lunch. Since they had lunch so late in the day we opted to have happy hour at Mom & Dad's and then return to fix dinner. We had planned to have grilled chicken but as the wind was blowing 30 MPH opted for baked chicken, baked beans and a salad.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get a hair appointment with my Mom's hairdresser. If not,then the next place we visit I'll just pick a salon and hope for the best.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday-La Luz

This morning we woke up and I went walking with Mom & Dad on thier morning walk - 1 mile. When I got back Pat had the RV ready to move to the RV park a mile down the road. We got moved in and I set up to work but I couldn't pick up the RV Park's wifi from the RV and mifi is not fast enough to pick up my VPN. I talked to the office and they let me move my computers to thier office and work.

After work I had lunch and we decided to go to Lowe's (its a grocery store not the hardware store) and then to Walmart. I bet I have been in more Walmarts since we left than in the last 2 years of my life.

We watched Ellen and then off to Mom & Dad's for dinner. Dad had bar-b-qued pork ribs, served up with Mom's corn casserole, salad and hot bread. It was delish. I could have eaten the whole corn casserole.

Back home to watch TV and bed. I'm finally getting the hang of this semi-retirement. Ciao for now.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday-La Luz

This morning I'm waiting in anticipation for Mom and Dad to return home, so I'm doing things on the computer and playing some games. Pat is doing the same. Mom & Dad got home about 11:00. I actually made lunch for everyone and then we just watched TV and visited. At 7:00 Mom and I had to watch the final episode of "The Survivor".

Tomorrow we're moving to the RV Park right down the street from Mom & Dad's place. We may stay a week here and then go to a cook off with Mom & Dad this coming week end. Oh I forgot to mention that the cook off Mom & Dad got back from they won 1st(Dad)and 2nd Place (Mom).


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday - La Luz - Cloudcroft

First, I'm attaching the pictures of the petting zoo that we took on Friday. Here they are.

Saturday - I did a load of laundry then we were off by bike to ride in the mountains. Went to Cloudcroft, Pinon, Mayhill and various towns along the way that may have had a building or two. It was a great ride, it's very beautiful with all the pine trees and green fields. We started off just wearing our light riding jacket and before we even got to the mountains we put the liner of the jacket on as well. When we got past Cloudcroft and higher up we put on another shirt under the liner and the jacket. It's much cooler in the mountains.

On the way back from our turn around back to Cloudcroft we took some pics of the burnt areas. There is even a camp on the roadway for all the firefighters, rows and rows of tents.

We window shopped on the main street of Cloudcroft then went to eat at the Cross-eyed Moose restaurant. We split the special of the day which was bar-b-que sandwish, potato salad and slaw and then got an order of green chili cheese fries. Delish! They have green chilis on everything here. Pat even had a green chili burger the night before.

I am also attaching pictures of my grandkids they were going to the prom last night. I received these pics from my daugher. Such good looking kids.

Mom and Dad are coming home tomorrow, looking forward to seeing them. Bye for now.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday - On the road to La Luz

What can I say about Friday? Very interesting. Started out as usual as we got up and while I worked Pat washed the RV and then we left Carlsbad about 9:00 heading to La Luz to see my parents. It's 159 miles to LaLuz. We're off and everything is going good and then.... A State Patrolman stops the Semi in front of us and of course we have to stop and then....he tells us that they are doing a controlled burn ahead of us and the road is closed. It's possible that the road will re-open in 3 hours if all goes well. He actually wants us to turn around and go back several miles to the Fruit stand or he offers alternate routes which could take hours to get back around to Alamagorda/La Luz.

Pat talks the Patrolman into letting us stay where we currently are and several others have now joined in the wait. I decided to work and of course Pat visited with the others that were waiting. I worked for about an hour and then joined the others.

Okay, now it has been over the 3 hours first predicted and the Patrolman now tells us that everyone waiting must go the Fruit Stand about 5 miles back. As the road is only 2 lanes and not easy to turn around we unhitch the car from the RV, Pat turns the RV around and I drive the car following him to the Fruit stand.

Now this Fruit stand is also a petting zoo. They have a camel, llamas, goats, emu, a miniture horse that gave birth 2 weeks ago (the baby is so cute - he and Blaze touched noses) It was adorable. The little baby horse is very outgoing coming up to the fence to be petted. They also had a baby camel that was 2 weeks old. It's coloring is white and the lady at the Fruit stand stated that if the color doesn't change and he stays white he will be valued at $25,000.(I've got pics of all but currently my MIFI is so slow that I'll have to include the pics in a later blog) They had a pond with ducks and trout that came up to the surface to be fed. You could rent a fishing pole and fish if you wanted. It was really a neat place.

Okay, we're still waiting so we got our lawn chairs out and sat in the parking lot waiting. We did'nt want to take an alternate route as we had waited this long and we were low on diesel. While sitting in our lawn chairs decided to call my parents to let them know we were on our way to thier house, Dad stated that was great but they weren't home they are in El Paso at a cook off. No problem, we'll just go to thier house and see them on Sunday when they return.

Finally at 3:30 they had a truck that would take us and a few others that were still there through the mountains to continue on to Alamagorda/La Luz.

The firemen were along the road and one side of the road was blackened from the controlled burn.

We finally reached Cloud Croft and purchased some diesel, $4.09 a gallon, we thought this was good but felt that Alamagorda diesel would be cheaper. (wrong). Made it to Mom & Dad's and hooked up to water and electricity but went into the house to watch TV and do laundry.

What a day, we were worn out. Can't wait for more adventure. Stay tuned.

Thursday - Carlsbad

Sorry for the delay in posting blog but blogger has been down.

Blaze woke us up early this morning so Pat took him out and then came back and jumped into bed with his clothes on because he was cold. We both tried going back to sleep, Pat gave in first and got up (Blaze took his place) and I stayed a little longer then got up and got to work.

After working for almost 2 hours got ready to go back to the Caverns for our guided tour of the Kings Palace. Our tour was given by a cute young Ranger (girl) and we had a large group around 35-40 in our tour. The park only has 2 working elevators (the others are being renovated). Our elevator operator stated that this summer it could be an hour wait to go up or down into and out of the cave. We picked a good time to visit the caverns. The tour was fantastic. I’ve been to the caverns one other time but didn’t do the tour, it was well worth the $8.00 ($4.00 for Pat with the old man card). See Pat as the Ranger.

After the tour we had a bite of lunch there and because we had been so awed by the tour we decided to walk down into the cave from the opening in lieu of taking the elevator. Before you go on the walk they advise you of how strenuous it can be but of course we’re bulletproof, the Ranger told us it was like walking down an 80 story building.(piece of cake) WOW! Is all I can say. As cold as it was in the cave (56 degrees) I ended up taking off my light jacket and we were both perspiring when we hit the bottom and this was going down not up. It’s unbelievable how far down you go into that cave. They told us it would take about an hour to an hour and a half to walk down. We made it in 30 minutes. No wonder we were sweating.

We also decided to drive the scenic drive after we left the caverns. You know the rocky, windy road. With Pat at the wheel it was like going on the Baja. When the signs said 5 mph we were going 15 to 20 when it said 15 mph we were going 30 or faster. It was actually pretty fun. On the trip we ran into several mule deer, one was in the road as we made a corner but quickly ran into the brush. We got pictures of the others.

Before we got back on the highway returning to the RV we stopped and got an ice cream, if you remember an earlier blog I said I wouldn’t eat ice cream for a long time.(I lied) It was a great ending to a good time.Got back to the RV and man I was busy – work must go on. While I worked Pat went grocery shopping then up to the RV office to check out a DVD. We received a coupon for a free DVD when we checked in on Tuesday (They only charge a $1.00). So tonite we’ll watch a DVD and then off to bed. Tomorrow we’re heading to Alamagorda/La Luz to finally get to my parents house.
Today was a very good day.