Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday - Sturgis, SD

Woke up early today so played a few games on the computer, ate some breakfast and worked for about an hour until we left to go riding. Let's just say the route Pat had picked out was not followed to the letter and we ended up on some gravel roads not knowing where we were, but hoping we were going the right way.

As usual Pat got us heading the right direction (I don't know how he does it). The ride was a good one as we had a road that was just one curve after another. Went by this one place that had a water wheel.

Got back to Sturgis and made all the shops in town. I couldn't find a shirt I liked so will probably come home without one, which is just fine, like I need another shirt.

Had lunch at Bob's and it was great. We had great service as we were the only ones in the restaurant. The food was great, we both had empty plates when we left.

Came back to the RV and worked way too long while Pat took a nap. I'm hoping that work will slow down (have I mentioned this before?)

Started watching a movie on HBO and then lost our signal as it is currently raining and now starting to hail (small).

The skys have cleared and I believe the weather will be cooler thru the weekend. We'll go on another ride tomorrow. I know everyone is looking forward to the July 4th weekend..... more to come............

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