Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday, Colo Spngs, CO

Well got up this morn and Pat suggested a ride through the mountains by Canon City. Before we reached Canon City we saw a road to a reservour so of course Pat had to go see the water. As you can see Austin isn't the only place where the water is shrinking. We could see where the reservour had been much larger.

By the time we got to Canon City it was warming right up, I removed my chaps, gloves and my long sleeve shirt.

Outside of Canon City Pat took a road to Cripple Creek,the scenery was beautiful but the higher we got the colder it was. I should have never removed my extra clothing. We finally stopped and I put back on some much needed warmth.

We made it to Guffey, which reminded me of the movie Deliverance. There were all kinds of old trucks, cars, even an old firetruck. See pics.

Enlarge the above to see the skeleton horses.

We were on our way home when Pat saw a sign for Skyline Drive. We started up the road and took a break to take some pics.

If you thought it was high where we stopped well that was nothing. It's hard to tell where the road actually goes to as you are going up and then it's OMG!!!!!

Note the pic below and how the road continues. Let me tell you this is not for the faint of heart. I could race up Pikes Peak (woosie road) but I never wish to ride this road again. It's straight down on both sides on a road that will barely hold a car's width.

The pics below are on the road going down Skyline Drive.

If you google Skyline Drive, Canon City you will get some more info on this road. It's a must see.

Skyline Drive finally ends in a neighborhood. We drove a little ways and then we saw a gathering on the road by the Canon City Library. It was a Farmers market that is held each Saturday. We stopped to look, there were booths offering home grown veggies, honey, jellies, jewelry, shoes and purses, knitted items. etc. We did take home some home grown tomatoes.

After the ride we were both worn out so rested a bit before happy hour. We got to talking to our neighbor and found out he is a bounty hunter.

Then it was time for the $1.00 ice cream social. You take your bowls and they fill it up with any flavor(s) you want. Got our ice cream then back to the RV. Ice cream was our dinner.

Today was quite a day. WOW! I think tomorrow we are going to ride again to finally make it all the way to Cripple Creek, its about 9500 elevation. Stay tuned.......

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