Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday - Bandelier National Forest, NM

Got up early, had breakfast and hit the road by 8:00 AM. We didn't want to be hiking when it was hot. It's 38 miles to the Bandelier National Forest with some great scenery along the way.

We hiked to the cliff dwellings and viewed the pictographs and then we walked along the trail through the forest where we saw ground squirells, chipmunks (they are so tiny and cute) along with various lizards,bugs etc. One ground squirell walked across this bridge while we were on it as if we didn't even exist. Obviously he's used to humans in his domain. It was a great hike, and pretty stenuous as you walked up to the cliff dwellings. It was interesting to see and picture in your mind the Indians living there.

On our travels home we opted to ride up to the Valles Caldera. Quite impressive.... See the pics and enlarge the signs to read about the Caldera.
It was a great ride going up in the mountains on very curvy roads. I think traveling by bike is a lot more fun than just riding in your car along these roads.

I think our next stop will be somewhere in Colorado. We don't leave here until Wednesday. Stay tuned for further action and adventure........

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