Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday-Colo Spgs - CO

Went to the zoo today. The zoo sits up high over Colorado Springs. Our first stop was the Giraffe's.

Next came the Meer Kats, this one is sunning on her back. We took a picture of one of the Kats standing up but for some reason it didn't sync when adding the pictures to my computer.

The chipmunks are everywhere in the zoo. Here's a picture of my buddy Dale. I think he was hoping for a handout but posed for the picture. The peacocks run free at the Zoo also.

Here's a pic of a wallaby, you could just lean in and touch him if you wanted and if he would let you.

With my great photography here's a tiger with no head.

Here's a pic of a lazy Moose. I wanted him to stand up to get how big he was but he didn't cooperate. He was actually sleeping when we first approached the cage.

Below is a pic of a porqupine. He looks to be on the chubby side. We watched while the zoo people were loading him into a crate. It was a slow process.

We took the aerial tram over the zoo and as we are coming down we took these pics of Colorado Springs.

One more stop at the Giraffe's before leaving. That is Pat petting the giraffe in the last pic, again with my great photography.

It was starting to cloud up as we were leaving the zoo. We had one more stop that was included with the admission price and that was to go to the Will Rogers Memorial. It's even higher than the zoo at the top of the mountain.

This is the spire at the top of the memorial.

As we were looking for a place to eat lunch we saw rain. This is the first real rain we've seen. (We saw hail in Bracketville, but that was different).
We heard later that it really pored with lots of lightning in Colorado
Springs but as we are about 14 miles from town it didn't make to the RV park.

The park is full this week-end. We have lots of new neighbors with kids and dogs. Met a really nice gentlemen from Alabama and another couple just recently retired from Texas, they had a yorkie. Blaze is still the cutest.

It got so cool later that we had to get back to the RV. Wonder what the weekend will bring........

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