Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday-Colorado Springs, CO

Today is our last full day at this beautiful RV park. I wanted to get some work done as I will be entering unknown wifi territory so Pat opted to ride the BMW back to Cripple Creek. Here are more pics.

This last picture of the rocking chair sits outside a store that sells apples and gifts in Canon City.

I quit working about 12:30 and had a bite to eat. Pat showed up about 1:00 and fixed himself some lunch. He bragged that he rode Skyline Drive again and this time without me on the back of the bike his lowest speed was 30 mph and highest speed was 50mph. The posted speed limit is 15 mph. He did say that it was scary at times going that fast and not knowing what lay over the next curve or hill. Pat - "Mr No Fear".

I did a little more laundry and then later we sat outside and enjoyed the cool evening. I have certainly enjoyed this weather. It's been awesome.

We'll be off to Grand Lake, CO tomorrow so stay tuned..........

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