Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday-Sturgis, SD

Well today was not a good day for me. My stomach was giving me fits. (if you know what I mean) I worked longer than I should and during this time Pat went scoping out the area and to do the laundry. He cooked dinner and I ate hoping all stays down. I have no idea what brought this on, I think it's just a bug.

I'm hoping that tomorrow I will wake up feeling like usual and if I do we will go riding in the area. There are so many things to see in and around here.

I do have a pic of wildlife right here behind the RV that Pat took this am.

Speaking of wildlife I asked Pat about the regulations regarding pets and he said that per our neighbors there was a couple that just let thier little dog out of the RV with no supervision or leash and it has never been seen again. Blaze is never out of our site at any RV park.

Hoping tomorrow is a feel better day......

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