Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday-Colorado Springs, CO

Today we drove to Canon City to visit the Royal Gorge. We rode the skylift,viewed the wildlife, walked across the bridge and rode the tram down to the bottom of the gorge.

Came home to get my work day in while Pat did laundry (I think this working thing is working out for me). Later we had happy hour sitting outside, the weather is so pleasant here. We wake up to about 50 degress in morn and it heats up to around 85, but in the shade its lovely.

Tomorrow we have to move from this spot in the RV camp. I really like this spot as it is so shady and the spot they want to move us to is very sunny in the afternoon,not much shade. I think Pat is going to see if they have another spot open for the rest of our stay here. Later........

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