Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday-Colorado Springs, CO

Today was pretty uneventful. We said good bye to our neighbors as they were leaving to return to Nebraska and we were moving to a different site in the campground as there is an Airstream Rally this weekend at the campground. The site we were at is one of the primo sites with lots of room and now we are down with neighbors very close by. I guess one benefit would be is that we are closer to the hot tub.

The weather was cool starting out at 55 degrees and rising to a high of 67 degrees. After the usual routine of the day(work, etc)and having lunch I felt the need for a nap. In the past I have never been one to take a nap during the day as I can't fall asleep but today was different, maybe it was the cool weather.

After our nap, yes Pat napped too, but its always a nap for him. We walked through the Park to check out the Airstreams. Then back to the RV to totally veg out for the evening. We didn't even leave the campground today. It was a lazy day for us. Tomorrow is Saturday, who knows what wild and crazy things could happen. Stay tuned..... This pic below is your editor at work with her side kick Blaze.

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