Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday & Monday - Colorado Springs, CO

Sunday was a lazy day. We went grocery shopping at Safeway and then next door to the liquor store, yeah they're open on Sunday. Came back to the RV and watched the tube, played games on the computer, just hung out.

Monday we woke up early as we are riding to Pikes Peak by motorcycle. The pics shown below are on our way up.

The picture above was taken by a truck driver that was coming down from the top. He parked his dump truck and took our picture.

We made it to the top....

Here is where the train pulls into the top of Pikes Peak.

When you get to the top you're supposed to eat one of the world famous donuts. So we did.. It was like a cake donut but it was soooo light.

These are pictures taken a the top of Pikes Peak, when we started up the ranger had a sign posted and the weather at top was 24 degrees with wind chill of 14 degrees and wind at 15-20 mph. Breathing is more difficult at 14,000 feet.

Now we're starting our descent... At the first pull out we stopped and some guy from Texas took our picture.

Pat stopped one more time to take a pic and when he stopped in was in the non paved area and he didn't realize we were on such a slope. Well.... over the bike went and me along with it. As we were parked not much damage to me except a sprained wrist when I tried to break my fall. The bike has a broken side mirror.

What a ride!!! I loved it, I wasn't as scared as I thought I'd be. Returned home and went to work. Later this evening Pat will grill some steaks. There are so many things to do we have to plan what we'll do tomorrow..... stay tuned.

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