Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday on the way to Sturgis, SD

When Pat saw that they let dogs drive in Colorado we decided to leave town. LOL See the cute pic. At least they have one driving and one showing him the way.

We left about 7:00 while there was still frost on the roof of the car and drove and drove and drove. Wyoming was lush and green with not many trees until you got to the northern part and then this carries over into South Dakota.

It was a loooong day as we didn't arrive at our destination until 4:40. This RV park offers 3 areas to park, the bottom, middle or top of the hill. Of course we chose the top. Here's our current view.

Above is our RV.

Once we got set up I worked for close to an hour. I'm happy to say that the wifi and phone both work good here.

I'm totally worn out and I didn't even drive. We didn't get the Dish TV working yet so will have to work on that tomorrow. I'm looking forward to our bike rides in this area.

More pics to come so keep tuning in.......

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