Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday - Colorado Springs, CO

It's a beautiful day, not as cold as Friday. We had breakfast, Pat fixed blueberry pancakes with bacon, it was not on my diet but hey it's Saturday. We went to Camping World and picked up a few items then off to visit the Garden of the Gods.....

Here's your editor in her new shirt she got at the Black Mesa winery.

There were people rock climbing.

Instead of walking you could view the park by horseback.

This is the Balanced Rock. We were told that they had to reinforce the balanced rock as some of the High School kids tried to tip it over.

Here's a deer in the campsite behind us. The deer just wander around the campground.

On the way home we stopped, where else, Walmart. Had a bite to eat at Popeye's then back to the RV. (this wasn't on my diet either)

Later we had happy hour with a group of neighbors. They had coconut shrimp plus dip and chips for munchies. We had a super time....... Ciao for now.

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