Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday -Yellowstone, WY

This morning we made another trip into Yellowstone on the bike and a more northern route through the park. I wasn't that impressed with Yellowstone on our first tour, (maybe it was the rain) but after seeing this (see pics) my opinion has changed. It is beautiul. Today the buffalo were everywhere you looked. This first pic is the line of cars trying to get through the buffalo, there was a ranger in the lead trying to get the herd to move off the road.

We saw 2 bears today along the road, a black and a brown, no grizzly, thank goodness.

Our route took us into Montana and we stopped to eat at a little cafe in Cooke City, Montana. We each had a $8.75 cheeseburger. Gas in this town was $4.55 and up. Yikes!!

The pic below is the road on our way home. They had posted a sign stating slippery road and they were right. It was a little hairy through the turns.

We returned home and I went right to work. Got my 3 hours in then off to the bar on the RV site. We had a couple of drinks each and visited with a couple from Katy, Texas. He works in Angola, Africa on an oil rig.

Came home and started this blog. The reason I'm posting this morning is because I fell asleep at the computer. You know you've seen those jokes where the person's head is face down on the computer, well that was me.

I think we're going to visit the Buffalo Bill Dam today.....Stay tuned for pics.

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