Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, Yellowstone, WY

Today we left about 7:15 all bundled up heading to Red Lodge, Montana. They're holding a Harley Rally there today. No we're not going to the rally we are taking the ride through Red Lodge. This 1st pic is a picture of the mountains not far from the RV park in shadow (I said it was early)

Before we got to Red Lodge we ran across this point of interest about a mining diaster in Montana in 1943. The mine itself was left as a memorial to those who died.

As I mentioned before the rivers are rolling and up to thier banks. It's beautiful and green with water everywhere.

We rode into Red Lodge and the Harleys were gathering on the main road. The hotels, motels, etc were packed with parked Harleys.

Left Red Lodge and traveled the curvy road up the mountain stopping at the overlook, Rock Creek View Point, 9,190 alt. There was a mother chipmunk and 2 babies that were so friendly,they would come right up to you for photo ops. They were adorable. (Sorry we didn't get a pic of the chipmunks)

Now we just thought we were at the top of the mountain and would be going down after the stop at the viewpoint. Wrong. We traveled up and up more curvy road to find we were at the top with all the snow.(see the first pic, that's the top) Once up there and on the way down you could see small lakes still partially frozen. It was just awesome. There were not any pull offs to stop and take pics, you'll just have to take my word for it, beautiful.

On our way down the mountain we pulled off to rest and drink some water. What a ride up the mountain. We had to pass several Harley's along the way, they go way too slow. Notice all the other bikes at our stop.

We made it back to Cody where we stopped at a cafe on the main street for a BLT (me) and burger (Pat). Got back to the RV and decided to go for a swim in the pool. Layed in the sun for a bit, I'm finally getting a little color.

Then back to the RV for me to work and Pat to watch TV and nap. Worked 3 hours then it was time to hit the bar. We're starting to be like all the other regulars at the bar. We discussed with the regulars and owner of the RV park about the pelicans we saw on the lake (we saw 4)and they said they come every year.

We did meet a new couple at the bar, they justed stopped in after thier ride through Yellowstone. They were from California and we found we had many things in common like love of sailing, RV'ing and biking. We really enjoyed our visit. They were on thier way to the places we had already been (Sturgis) and they had come from the places we were going (Glacier National Park)

All in all a great day. Tomorrow will be our last full day in Wyoming....

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