Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday - Sturgis, SD

It was cool this morning when I took Blaze for his morning walk; we felt adventurous and our reward was we found this great park. All this time it's been right down the opposite way Blaze and I have been walking everyday. I could tell they were setting up for some kind of event as they had set up a stage for some bands and people were setting up booths. I told Pat about it so after our grocery shopping in Spearfish and a bite of lunch we all walked to the park.

Like every proud parent I had to include pics of my baby.

Later I sat out in the sun reading my book trying to get a little color; I got color alright, red. I really wasn't out in the sun that long, maybe 30 minutes, but that was all it took. I just hope I turn brown in lieu of peeling.

I've included a pic of our deer that hangs out by the RV.

Tomorrow we're riding the bike to Custer to see some buffalo. Watch for those pics....

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