Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monday, July 4th, Sturgis, SD

Woke up early to a sunny and hot day. Today we are going to Wall to visit the largest drugstore, it sits on a full city block. We are going by car so Blaze gets to go with us.

We arrived at Wall and Pat put Blaze in his riding harness and we went looking through the Wall drug store. Oh course Pat got some looks with Blaze strapped to his chest and a few conversations were struck. I was a little disappointed with the Wall drugstore, it's large but basically just a place for tourists to make purchases of all kinds from cheap to expensive. It did bring in the tourists.

Then off to the Badlands. Of course we used Pat's Magic old peoples card which got us into the National Park for free. I had always heard of the Badlands but bidn't know what it meant. Now I know. WOW!

On one side of the rode it is green prairie land and the other just rock formations which were formed by volcanos many, many years ago.

Later in the evening our RV site was the perfect viewing spot to watch the firework shows which went from one side of town to the other. Sturgis likes to celebrate July 4th with lots of Fireworks as the show lasted over 2 hours.

We have opted to stay here in Sturgis for another week then we'll be off to Yellowstone. Stay tuned for upcoming adventures...........

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