Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday-Mt. Rushmore, SD

Today was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and very warm.

We rode to Rapid city and then on to Mt. Rushmore. Wow, the number of people there.

After seeng everything at the Mt. Rushmore Memorial we decided to have some ice cream. I had a cup of pecan praline and Pat had a cup of cookies-n-cream. It hit the spot. Then we were on our way. We had planned to go to Crazy Horse but it was soo hot, plus the crowd of people due to the holiday, we thought we would go another day. As we were leaving Mt. Rushmore this was a side view of ole George.

Then we came upon a winery named Naked Winery, well we couldn't pass this up. Here I am at the tasting bar. All the grapes and wine are made in Oregon and Washington. Well I left with a bottle of wine (Fling Gerwerztraminer), a T-shirt(see below pic) and a wine glass. They also sold pants (see those hanging on the wall).

The below is a description of the wine Foreplay.

This is the description of the wine Penetration.

Enlarge the photo below to see the names of Naked Wine.

After tasting we start our ride back to Sturgis when we came upon Sheridan Lake. How awesome. There was an area that had a sand beach.

Then another Lake, Pactola, larger for sure.

After passing the lakes Pat got to go on his favorite road, "Nemo Rd", its lots of curves just one after another going down a 10% grade back to Sturgis.

Below pic is a tree in Sturgis that someone has carved and painted to appear as roses, of course its outside a flower shop.

We made it back to the RV around 2:00. Time to cool off......

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