Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday & Tuesday-Bigfork, MT

Well the last 2 days have been stay in the RV days. Monday wasn't too bad, it did rain a little and things were going good until a new RV parked beside us and blocked our Dish TV. He pulled so far up in his space he couldn't even open up one of the slides on his RV to full capacity. Pat advised him about blocking our Dish but his answer was that they don't have one of those they just use the antenna on the RV. We made a few adjustments and finally got back some TV stations but no HD. It has been very cool here and because of the predicted afternoon thunderstorms we have put off going to Glacier Park until the weather stabilizes.

Tuesday has been overcast, rainy at times and cool with the high at 64. I've worked, watched TV and played games on the computer. Pat has done the same (except the work part). Our neighbor left today so we have gotten back our original satellites and all our TV. I believe that tomorrow we'll be heading towards Glacier Park as it should warm up a bit. No pics for this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I guess, no matter where you go.....there will always be BAD neighbors. At least this one was temporary. :)
