Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, Yellowstone, WY

Today, I got up and worked for about an hour then off we went in the SUV to visit the Buffalo Bill Dam.

As the rivers have been roaring and all of them are basically over thier banks each year the spring brings all these trees and trash. The dam then uses a special instrument to remove all this debris.

While at the Dam we spotted this dog. He was so odd looking (a real heinz 57). The owner stated that they actually had his DNA run to see what breeds were involved in his make up and one of the parents was full blooded Scottie, the other was a mix of Husky, Lab, and 2 other breeds that I can't remember. The owner looked very normal, then we saw his wife, she had pink hair and then we saw them getting into a 1967 Rambler.(only Pat would know the year) They looked way to young to be hippies, but.....

After our visit to the Dam we rode the Southfork Road as it was on our maps of roads to view. We had only gone about a quarter of the way when we decided that we had seen enough.

We got back to town when low and behold we saw Wild Bill Cody (Buffalo Bill)walking the streets of Cody, WY. Austin has Leslie and Cody has Wild Bill.

Went shopping at Walmart and came home to have lunch and then back to work for me. Pat went to the heated pool and then to the hot tub. I've yet to use these amenities at this park, but hoping maybe tomorrow or Sunday.

Tomorrow we have another route chosen to ride. We talked to a biker a the Dam visitor center from South Dakota and he told us this was a good ride. We also told him we would be going to Glacier Park in Montana next week and said that the rides there are awesome. Can't wait........

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