Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, Sturgis, SD

Woke up to sky's like this, rain and then wind so we decided; Hey, we're retired we'll stay in today.


Later we decided to drive into Spearfish to find the DC Booth fish hatchery. Pat had googled the address and it was not where google said it was but we did get to view some very high dollar homes. As we made our way back to town we saw the sign for the fish hatchery. It's by the Spearfish park which is very nice. We saw a wedding taking place in the park.

After viewing the fish hatchery we went to Safeway for some groceries and then to Walmart to try and find me rain wear for the bike. They didn't have anything so we waited for our pizza from Pappa John's that's in Walmart that Pat had ordered earlier on line.

It started raining again as we came out of Walmart on the way home. I just don't like the lightning. Tucked safely in the RV we ate our pizze, me with a glass of merlot, Pat with iced tea. Watched a little TV then lights out. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny.......

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