Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friday & Saturday-Bigfork, MT

Early Friday morning awoke to rain, it rained most of the night. It was nice to think I could stay in bed under the covers all cozy while it was raining and not have to get dressed and fight the morning traffic into the office. After breakfast went to work. It rained off and on all morning and the afternoon was intermitent sun and clouds. I think the high for the day was around 65.

Friday was a lazy day, we didn't get out of the RV except to take Blaze on his walks.

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day with morning temp at 51. Around 10:30 we decided to ride the bike the opposite way around Flathead Lake. Before we took off for the lake we rode through the main town of Bigfork. I want to take a stroll and visit some of the shops. We had a nice ride and the weather was good.

We are all bundled up in our cold weather gear with gloves and we ride by the lake watching people swimming and sun bathing. Obviously we are not used to this cooler weather. Of course we stopped at Safeway on the home, can't seem to pass a grocery store without stopping. We returned home around 1:15 and fixed some lunch.

Later we took Blaze for a walk. I had a long sleeve shirt on over a short sleeve shirt and I was comfortable. Pat had to admit that in his short sleeve shirt and shorts it was cool. The high temp was 71 yesterday.

The RV park is pretty full and a lot of the people are from Canada. As you can tell by my blog we've just been chilling. More to come......

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