Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday, On the way to Yellowstone

This is a lengthy blog so get ready....The day started out great. We got on the road early and even though we could see rain all around us we only got a couple of sprinkles. We were making good time and hoped to be at our new RV spot by around 12:30 - 1:00.

We had made the turn onto Hwy 16 which is the lowest grade (we rose to an altitude of over 3500 in just a few miles)and the most scenic route to get to Yellowstone in WY from our direction. We started up the climb through the mountains and Pat pulled over to take a pic of Meadowlark Lake as we had just started our decline down the mountain and he wanted to give the brakes a rest as he thought they didn't feel right.

About 5 miles down the road from the lake and with the last 18 miles of decline with switchbacks Pat stopped the RV in a pullout area as he was having a problem steering. When we stopped smoke was coming from the back of the RV. Upon inspection Pat found that we had blown a hydraulic line that controls the steering and the cooling (radiator)of the RV. Thank the lord that Pat stopped or we could be at the bottom of the mountain as we would have never made the switchback turns going down. So here we are.

There was no telephone service so we drove the SUV to Ten Sleep, population 304. Pat talked to an old timer at the convenience store and he said we would have to drive to Worland about 24 miles down the road to get any road service. Drove to Worland and it took about an hour as they are working on the road so only one lane is open. So you wait to follow the lead car after you wait about 20-30 minutes for the other side to come through. Oh yes, it gets even better.

After stopping and talking to several places in Worland there would be no road side service, so we called Good Sam Club. Good Sam offered us a tow (which would have been free) but Pat didn't think it was a good idea due to the terrain and how long it would take to get it towed as you have to have a special rig to tow the RV. So....we opted for road side service and requested that before the mechanic get to us that they call so Pat could tell them what they needed to bring. (Of course Pat knew what was needed!) Good Sam said they would have the mechanic call us right away.

We called Good Sam about 12:30 and they said the mechanic would be there to fix the RV in 70 minutes which I thought was really good. We ate lunch and washed all the oil off of the SUV while waiting for the mechanic to call. On our drive back to the RV from Worland I was worried that the mechanic would get to the RV before us (what was I thinking??)

Don't give up, keep reading....Okay, it's now 3:30 so I drive 12 miles down the road towards Ten Sleep to find phone service and call Good Sam to check the status on our mechanic. Good Sam couldn't reach the mechanic as he is on a service call and most likely is in a dead zone(duh!)but they left him a voice message. So I drove back to the RV thinking all the time that the mechanic was probably already there. (Not!) When I pulled into the pull off the car that had been following me up the mountain pulled in after me. Her car was overheating and she wanted to know if Pat could help her. Pat inspected her car but couldn't fix it. We told Krista that we had a mechanic coming to help us so perhaps they could help her. After another 20-30 minutes here comes the Deliverance Twins in thier 1947 Chevrolet pickup to our rescue. It's now about 4:00-4:15.

Oh yes, things get better.... Since the mechanic didn't call us he now had to drive to Worland to pick up the parts needed. Remember what I told you about the 1/2 hour wait due to road construction. Well off the mechanic goes at his highest speed of 45-55 mph (I'm not kidding) We passed the mechanic on the way to find phone service again so that Krista could call her Mom and we could call the RV place to let them know that we would not be arriving tonight. While we were making our calls the mechanic passed us.

Okay back to the RV to wait. Needless to say we got to know Krista quite well, she's 27, a single parent with 2 kids, yada, yada, yada. About 6:15 Pat pulls out the left over pork shops and makes stove top stuffing. It didn't take long and we all 3 had something to eat.

At 7:00 or a little after (mechanics charge $80.00 an hour plus $2.00 a mile)Pat spys something blue coming up the mountain. Oh yes, Deliverance is back with the parts. It only takes about 30 minutes or less for them to fix the RV but by this time its getting dark and the large mosquitos are biting. They bring the parts for Krista's car but that doesn't fix it, so Deliverance follows her (1 in the car with her to watch the gage and the other driving the old p/u following)to Buffalo where she will have to call her Dad to come and get her to take her home to Gillette. I don't think I mentioned this but the Deliverance brothers came out of Sheridan, WY which is quite a ways away.

So after our Nieman Marcus Roadside Assist here we are...still on the mountain. Pat doesn't want to travel tonight as we can't make our RV reservation which is past Cody, WY. We have learned what not to do in the future.

We open up the RV and watch a recorded movie we have. After 10:00 we head for bed but it is blowing so hard we slide in the big slide out in the living room and then we have to slide in the bedroom slide. It was okay for me but Pat's feet were hitting the desk. What a great day!!!!

I'm trying to get to Tuesday and Wednesday blog but not sure when they will be coming...... You'll understand why when you read the blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Did y'all expect an adventure when you headed out from Austin? I think you are definitely having one. LOL
    Hugs and waiting for the rest of the report.
