Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday-Bigfork, MT

Today, I worked while Pat rode around Polson and took his computer to be repaired.

I was doing laundry when the washer wouldn't go through the draining process. We are tabling this item until tomorrow as we will have to get the water and clothes out, take out the dishwasher and then pull the washer/dryer out. We think/hope it is the pump. There's always something....

Later we just hung out having our happy hour sitting outside enjoying the sun, we might get temps into the 90's this weekend but our highs have been in the 70's. We are enjoying the weather as we read the Austin temps at 100+.

The RV park is full to the max. So we will have a lot of people watching this weekend.

Be sure to stay tuned for the washer repair.....

Friday, July 29, 2011

Wednesday & Thursday - Bigfork, MT

Well Wednesday was pretty much like Monday & Tuesday due to overdast weather but we did go into Kalispell to find a place to have the RV hydraulics drained and the correct oil put in. If you recall our fiasco on the mountain with the deliverance twins it turned out that Pat gave them the wrong weight oil to put back in the system so now we are going to have that fixed. Oh happy days!

Then when we got back from Kalispell Pat was looking up some part numbers for the RV potty when his computer went kaput. I mean dead. We consulted our IT dude and now Pat will be taking his computer to a place here in Bigfork to see if they can repair the damage. I don't understand people that creat virus'.

Okay, on to Thursday. We got up early and today we are going to Glacier Park to travel the Road to the Sun but we are going by car in lieu of the bike. It turns out this was a good decision not because the weather was bad because it was a gorgeous day but because of the road conditions (mostly dirt, mud and sometimes gravel) and road work delays. We didn't ride the complete road but turned around after reaching Logan's Pass, which is a litle more than half way. Oh, and there have been 2 motorcycle deaths on the road since it opened several weeks ago and just this week a rider on the back of a motorcycle was killed by a falling rock. All the more reason to take the car.

The road delay's were due to having just one lane open on many parts of the road. I counted at least 80 cars waiting when we were allowed to take our turn on the one lane and that was just one of many one lane closures. It took us 4 hours on the Road to the Sun and if you count the hour it took to get to Glacier Park plus the drive home and stopping for a bite to eat (and don't forget we had to stop at the grocery store, can't pass one of those by) we were gone for most of the day.

But now for the pics... It was beautiful....Because of the road conditions there weren't many pull offs to take pics so most of the these pics were taken from a moving car.

Here's Blaze enjoying the scenery.

This is Logan's Point.

The above pic are people walking up the slope at Logan's Pass with thier ski's to ski down and then walk back up to ski down again.

Below is the Continental Divide again. I bet we have crossed this over a handful of times in different states.

These goats were on the side of the road. A mama and her baby.

Here are some of the cars waiting while we had our turn on the one lane.

Tomorrow is TGIF....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday & Tuesday-Bigfork, MT

Well the last 2 days have been stay in the RV days. Monday wasn't too bad, it did rain a little and things were going good until a new RV parked beside us and blocked our Dish TV. He pulled so far up in his space he couldn't even open up one of the slides on his RV to full capacity. Pat advised him about blocking our Dish but his answer was that they don't have one of those they just use the antenna on the RV. We made a few adjustments and finally got back some TV stations but no HD. It has been very cool here and because of the predicted afternoon thunderstorms we have put off going to Glacier Park until the weather stabilizes.

Tuesday has been overcast, rainy at times and cool with the high at 64. I've worked, watched TV and played games on the computer. Pat has done the same (except the work part). Our neighbor left today so we have gotten back our original satellites and all our TV. I believe that tomorrow we'll be heading towards Glacier Park as it should warm up a bit. No pics for this blog.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday, Bigfork, MT

Woke up Sunday and as I was taking Blaze for his morning walk I noticed the sign on the RV office window "Huckleberry Muffins $3.00 a plate". Well I couldn't get Blaze back to the RV fast enough. I got my $3.00 and bought 3 huckleberry muffins (plate). So before breakfast Pat and I each had a huckleberry muffin. I can't really describe the taste, it's sweet and tart.

After breakfast and piddling around the RV we drove into town to walk the main street. I purchased a small jar of Wild Huckleberry preserves made right there in the shop. I can't wait to have the preserves on my toast in the morning.

Here's some pics of the downtown main street.

The above picture is showing the water rushing into the lake/marina in town.

After our visit to town we came back to the RV and vegged out. We're hoping to go to Glacier park tomorrow but looks like there are storms coming in so may have to wait until Tuesday. Stay tuned......

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friday & Saturday-Bigfork, MT

Early Friday morning awoke to rain, it rained most of the night. It was nice to think I could stay in bed under the covers all cozy while it was raining and not have to get dressed and fight the morning traffic into the office. After breakfast went to work. It rained off and on all morning and the afternoon was intermitent sun and clouds. I think the high for the day was around 65.

Friday was a lazy day, we didn't get out of the RV except to take Blaze on his walks.

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day with morning temp at 51. Around 10:30 we decided to ride the bike the opposite way around Flathead Lake. Before we took off for the lake we rode through the main town of Bigfork. I want to take a stroll and visit some of the shops. We had a nice ride and the weather was good.

We are all bundled up in our cold weather gear with gloves and we ride by the lake watching people swimming and sun bathing. Obviously we are not used to this cooler weather. Of course we stopped at Safeway on the home, can't seem to pass a grocery store without stopping. We returned home around 1:15 and fixed some lunch.

Later we took Blaze for a walk. I had a long sleeve shirt on over a short sleeve shirt and I was comfortable. Pat had to admit that in his short sleeve shirt and shorts it was cool. The high temp was 71 yesterday.

The RV park is pretty full and a lot of the people are from Canada. As you can tell by my blog we've just been chilling. More to come......