Thursday, April 7, 2011


Pat woke me up with a cup of flavored coffee at 6:00 as we had to be in the big City of Austin by 10:00 for our Dentist appointments.  I thought I would have a hard tme breaking the habit of getting up at 5:30 but I don't seem to have a problem sleeping past that time. I guess it was good thing I had 2 alarms to get up by when I was working full time.  We left for Austin around 7:45 and hit the traffic before reaching Oak Hill. OMG it was awful.  Now I remember why I used to travel to work over an hour before I had to be there. Got through with the Dentist about 12:00.  We ate lunch at the Nutty Brown Cafe.  I wanted to sit outside but Pat was smart enough to know that we should sit inside as the wind was back to its blowing terror. Lunch wasn't all that great as Pat's was cold when we FINALLY got our food.  Used my MiFi and IPad in the car to do a little work after lunch and before reaching Fredericksburg. It worked out great. Got back worked from 2:00 to 4:30.  Happy hour at Cindy & Larry's, then back to the RV to watch Survivor. The days seem to go by really fast.  Later....

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