Sunday, April 3, 2011


We (Pat, Laura & Blaze) biked over to the Comfort chili cook off where it was overcast & cool, just left Fredericksburg 20 miles away where it was warm and sunny.  Crazy Texas weather.  After visiting, checking out the vendors and having a sandwich from High's (spicy turkey Yum!) biked over to Luchenbach on a back road.  If you have ever watched the show "Pickers" there was a pick or two for Frank and Mike along that road. Enjoyed a beer (Pat) and a chardonnay (Laura) at Luckenbach, a little people watching then back to Fredericksburg along another back road - no picks on this road.  Back to the RV where we lounged in the sun. (got a little red)  Vodka tonic for happy hour.  Dinner was spaghetti, salad and garlic bread by candle light.  All in all a great day.  Till tomorrow........


  1. Mommy, I'm glad you are having a good time. I miss you!

  2. So I will live your new exciting life through your blog. Sorry we didn't get to see you before you left, but I will be reading here for sure.
    I know you will have a wonderful time exploring and relaxing.
