Saturday, April 30, 2011


Pat being the shy guy that he is had gone into town early (see sunrise)

to the Marathon Cafe to say hello to the owner from Elton & Norma. When he got there,there were several bike riders (mostly Harley's) getting ready to go for a ride and they invited him to go along. Pat jumped at the chance to go for a ride. I could here all the bikers leave town per the Harley biker sound from the RV.

I stayed home for alone time and work,aah. After working, Blaze and I lounged on the couch, me reading a book and Blaze laying on his leopard pillow taking a nap. So peaceful.

Pat returned and we decided to go the park, Pat took his swim trunks like he was going for a swim. We got there he put his feet in the water and he was done. He said it was colder than the frio. It is a spring so I guess would be pretty cold. I fed the ducks, we let Blaze run crazy and then it was time to return home to watch "Ellen"

As Pat had eaten 4 HUGE slices of pizza in Marfa with the guys he wasn't hungry so I made me a tuna, apple and celery salad for dinner as later we were going to go to the White Buffalo Bar for a drink.

Got to the White Buffalow and had drank about half of our drink when in came our BMW club riders from Austin. Mind you it was after 6:00 PM and they had been riding all day and still had about 80 miles to go to reach Ft Davis, thier final destination.(They looked beat having to fight the wind most of the way). We enjoyed visiting with everyone and they took off as had made a dinner reservation in Ft. Davis for 7:30.(I think they were going to be late for thier reservation.)

Finished our drinks then back to the RV for TV and bedtime. Adios

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