Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday - Brackettville

Today started out overcast and humid. After breakfast Pat & I decided to take a tour of Brackettville, it didn't take long. We even stopped and looked around at the Dollar Store. We then went to check out the  workout equipment at the rec center and then I walked with Pat while he played a few holes of golf at the nine hole course. By then it was HOT, so time to return to the RV and start my work day.

I have moved my office into the bedroom, which works out good. It's much quieter and Pat can have all the living area to do what he wants (see pics). I sometimes have a helper at work.

After working for a while and after Pat had his nap we decided to go visit the pool. Brrr, it's cold but it felt good. We had the pool pretty much to ourselves. I stayed at the shallow end while Pat floated to the deep end (9 feet deep) I'm attaching a picture so you can see how big this pool is. This is Pat at one end and Pat at the other end. Can you see him?  The other picture shows the water flowing from the pool into the river.

I did 3 loads of laundry in the RV today. (I love doing laundry).  Had clothes hanging all over the bathroom.  

I've attached the pictures that I didn't have yesterday that show the deer and our RV site in Brackettville.  The deer and turkey are everywhere.  More tomorrow. Ciao

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