Friday, April 29, 2011


I haven't mentioned this before but every morning we have to turn the heat on in the RV as the tempurature drops during the night to COLD. Today, the wind is not blowing and its a beautiful day. I returned a few phone calls for work and then we decided to ride to Big Bend (of course on the BMW). We get into the park for free as Pat has an old peoples pass.

We rode to the Basin on a very curvy (double and triple S)road. We ate at the restaurant at the Basin. See pics of our view out the window and the blooming cactus outside the restaurant. After eating we road to Study Butte/Terlingua, got gas and headed back to Alpine and home. It was a long ride. Got home and worked for a while.

Later we heard a knock on the door and the people that had just pulled in were having water problems. Of course they came to the right place with Pat the fixanator. He went over and got the water running for them and in return they gave us a bottle of wine. What a trade for me. They came over and made a tour of our RV and then they left for dinner in town.

We were tired from our trek today so went to bed about 9:00 after watching some TV. Till tomorrow.

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