Friday, April 8, 2011


Woke up to another windy, cloudy, morning.  After lunch the wind subsided so we decided to take a ride on the Willow City Loop.  Nice scenery but no bluebonnets, then the sun popped out and it got hot.  As long as we were moving it was okay. We decided to go to Llano to see our friend, Larry Otto. Took the Otto Loop to Larry's house they are the progress of building. Larry gave us a tour, very nice.They hope to be in the new house by May or June.  On our return took the 404 and crossed over the Llano (see pic) then took the Enchanted Park road back to Fredericksburg.  Had happy hour sitting outside the RV while Pat grilled pork chops. As you can see in the pics Blaze and I are adapting just fine.  Arrivederci

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