Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sunday -Brackettville/Monday-Marathon

This blog is a combo of Sunday and Monday.  There's not much to report for Easter Sunday, we ate at Daddy's grill for lunch, took a walk around the Motorhome homes, had our usual 5:00 feed watch of the deer, bunnies and turkey's, we then loaded the motorcyle and attached the car for our leave early in the morning on the way to Marathon.  Nighty night.

Woke early Monday morning, ate a quick brfeakfast, then drove to Del Rio to the HEB. While Pat shopped I reviewed my e-mails from work.  The ride to Marathon was uneventful with the exception of 2 birds hitting the RV (one in the middle of the windshield, the other the top drivers side) oh and the wind picked up about half way there.  It was blowing good - around 30 mph. Mason, if you're reading my blog we drove thru Sanderson today. Pulled into the Marathon Motel and RV park found our spot (#4) and while Pat set everything up (had to nail down the outside rugs due to the wind), I went to work as I now have great wifi.  Worked all afternoon trying to get caught up after having such slow wifi in Brackettville.

We went to the Pizza place in town, got a pizza and brought it back to the RV for dinner.  The Pizza place was very nice and so clean, they even deliver.  I loved the crust on the pizza (yum).  Since we have HBO here we watched Sex in the City 2 then off to bed.  Did I mention the wind is still blowing 30 MPH and is supposed to do the same tomorrow.  Adios

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