Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday - Leaving Garner

Today is the last day I have to post my blog from the car at Garner check-in parking lot Yeah!

We left Garner under cloudy, misty conditions on our way to Brackettville, TX and our next destination.  Thankfully, our drive was uneventful.  We ate at the hamburger joint across the street from the entrance to Fort Clark Springs, a gated community with an RV park.  Fort Clark offers lots of amenities.  Fort Clark was established on the banks of the Las Moras Creek by the US Army in 1852.  The fort was closed in 1946 and is now a recreation resort and residential community.  Fort Clark offers a 9 hole and an 18 hole golf course, a 100 x 300 spring-fed pool, the 3rd largest spring-fed pool (68 degrees) in Texas, they also offer tennis courts, nature trails, bird watching and fishing.  We are allowed to use all facilities free of charge since we are staying at the RV park.

We have a great spot at the park with our own mesquite tree and of course Pat made friends immediately with our next door neighbor who was nice enough to take him by golf cart to the driving range to hit some balls and then gave him a tour of the area. Of course, I worked while Pat played.  No problem.  When Pat returned he took me in the car to point out interests he had been shown by our neighbor.

There are many deer in the area along with wild turkeys (see pics).  In the evening an RV across the street from us threw out feed and in came lots of deer to have thier dinner.  Pat has pics on his camera that have not been downloaded yet or I would include a pic or two.

Pat grilled chicken breasts for dinner, watched some TV (yes, we have TV here, we have everything here, including wifi) then off to bed.

More tomorrow.  Stayed tuned.

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