Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday - Marathon

Awoke to coffee in bed (Am I lucky or what!) Pat had his breakfast and I had mine (trying to diet as best I can).   Pat went for a ride on the BMW to Alpine and Ft Davis while I did some work.  On his way back the wind started blowing again.  Our friends had told us about the Park in Marathon so went drove  out to the park, it's about 5 miles out of town. (see pics)  We left Blaze off the leash for a change and he had a great time running and smelling everything in the park.  The park is very nice and I'm sure its there because of the water.  They have bar-b-que pits, bathrooms, tables and a great place to hold a dance if you wanted.

After our visit to the park came home for lunch and a nap.  Later on we decided to go the the White Buffalo Bar at the Gage Hotel for a drink.

After our drink, a beer for Pat and a margarita for Laura we took a tour of the Gage Hotel as we had not been there for 15 years and many changes had occured.  There is even a watch dog now at the front desk (Wow he's scary-Not) Can you tell which one he is?

The bartender at the White Buffalo Bar told us about the Gage Gardens, many people get married there, (see pics) so went to take a look.  They even have a putting green and are growing grapes there.  Enjoyed walking thru the gardens.

Back home to have hamburger helper. Yahoo!  We'll watch TV and then beddy bye.  We're planning on biking first thing in the AM when the wind is not so bad so posting my blog tonight.  Right now the wind is blowing at close to 39 MPH. It kind of rocks you to sleep.  More tomorrow so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a cool place !!! Susan wants to know what the name is exactly of the park cause she wants to meet ya'll there !!!

    Meanwhile back at your house, I mowed the yard and ran out of string for Weed eater...It looks really good though. I've discovered that Hailey hair and Wine colored carpet are too much of a contrast and I am vacuuming often these days.

    Wild Kingdom is still in one piece and no kills yet!!!

    We miss ya'll !!! Have fun and keep up the cool pic's
