Saturday, April 9, 2011


Didn't wake up until 7:10 this morning.  That's late for me.  Pat said that I'm likely to win the pageant if I get much more beauty sleep. LOL   After breakfast I took Blaze for a walk and when I got back Pat had changed the sheets on the bed. I set up my office and while working Pat then vacuumed and swept the RV.  Life is good.   Pat then left on the bike to meet his friend and BMW club member Hub for lunch in Castell at the Castell Store (Bar). It's a fun place. They crusied by the Llano Golf Course and RV park where they are holding a BMW Rally on Saturday.  Pat crusied back home (this is starting to sound like a Jimmy Buffet song) about 1:30.  Watched a little TV and then went to the Catholic Church for dinner (Fish Fry) with Lynn, Bucky & Carolyn. While eating Carolyn  and Bucky told us a few stories about thier day's at the Catholic School/Church in downtown Fredericksburg. Carolyn's mother also went to that same school.  Ate too much. Came home and watched some Animal Planet while Pat watched some racing.  Off to bed.  Till tomorrow.

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