Saturday, April 16, 2011

Garner - Friday

OMG!  How do I begin today?  Left Fredericksburg about 11:30 heading to Garner State Park.  As the wind was howling as usual Pat took a route that he thought might deter the wind.  We decided to take 16 to Medina then 137 to Garner State Park. Going to Kerrville on 16 it was a nice road; after that I would never recommend that anyone drive this road unless they are on a motorcycle.   Needless to say this road is great for a 2 wheeled vehicle but not for a six wheeled vehicle with an attached auto with a total length of 60 feet.  There were steep grades, and curvy roads.  A lot of curves, there were times that if there had been a car coming in the opposite direction we would have been in BIG trouble.  Then we got behind a county work force that was painting the white stripe down the road.  As this is a no pass route at one time we had to wait at the bottom of the steep grade so that we could get a run at going up the hill as we saw the work truck had reached the top.  We finally got past the county paint truck. Then there was a time when I was sitting on the floor in front of the desk with both feet against the bottom drawers so that they would not slide out because we were heading downhill on a very curvy road. Blaze was crying, all in all a horrific adventure. We made it.  I feel lucky to be alive.  I think Pat can now say he is an expert at driving the RV.   

It was another nightmare at the Garner State Park check-in.  There was a long line and a take a number system.  Okay, got thru check-in and found our spot.  Got set up and as I got ready to do some work that’s when I found out that Verizon doesn’t work here, only AT&T. (Verified this with the Park)  They do have wifi but I would have to go to the check in station and work off the battery on the computer in my car or sit outside.  Pat then told me there is no TV reception here.  Also found out to dump the RV we would have to disconnect from everything and go down the road to the dump station. Did I mention the smoke??  The wind blew in the smoke from the Ft Davis fire.  The day had been clear and pretty and was now hazy with smoke and the smoke smell wasn't too good either. At this point I decided it was time for a drink.  We each had a drink then took Blaze for walk and found the river not far from our RV. Decided it would be great to come back tomorrow when it was warmer and float around.   I can’t wait for tomorrow. (LOL)  Be sure and stay tuned.

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